Trail Conditions Forum

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mitchpolack's picture

I went over to the trailhead in Pomona today and Orange and Rockland has completely taken over the parking lot and closed access to the trail. They have it marked as a construction zone but I think they might be using it as a staging ground to ferry workers up the mountain -- my backup plan was hiking up the Mountain trail at Kakiat park and I saw tracked vehicles heading up. They even bulldozed a new road with a bridge right through the Kakiat trail.

Anyways - does anyone know how I can find out if the Tux-Mt Ivy Trailhead at Diltzes Lane will be opened back up eventually? That's my favorite spot to head into the park and I'll be super bummed to have lost it permanently.

agfrank1's picture

A friend and I also tried to use the Diltzes Lane trailhead on August 26 to enter the park to do some trail maintenance. We pulled in and parked out of the way in the back of the parking lot/staging area, but an Orange & Rockland employee told us to leave. There's a sign at the parking lot/staging area directing hikers to the website for alternatives. But as best I can tell, that website only has information about the actual Palisades park along the Hudson River in the Fort Lee and Alpine area. So it's not useful for people wanting to hike in Harriman.
lancetm21's picture

Planning a multi-day hike soon and wondering what the primitive campsites on the NYNJ Trail Maps are like? Specifically the one West of Blackhead in between Blackhead and Black Dome? Also, the one East of Slide between Slide and Cornell? Thank you!!
Daniel Chazin's picture

A friend of mine, who recently visited these sites, has the following to say: The primitive sites in the col between Blackhead and Black Dome are nice and, from what I've seen, underutilized. They are dry, and they are free of trash and debris. It pays to look around, as the ones further off the trail are the nicest. Water is about 0.4 mile down the Black Dome Range Trail. There is a high-impacted set of "stealth sites" (room for 4 or 5 tents) just north of Acra Point, all with partially obstructed, but nice views of the Blackhead Range. No water is conveniently available. The sites between Cornell and Slide are similarly nice, but several are very close to the trail. However, the water source marked on the 2016 edition of the map was barely a muddy puddle and slow trickle when I was there in early August (this water source has been deleted from the current 2018 edition of the map). We chose to take our water from the spring on the back side of Slide.
lancetm21's picture

Thanks so much! Glad to hear they are in good conditions.
plippert's picture

Section 23 of the Long Trail, which passes North Lake, seems beautiful, but I’m wondering what alternatives there are to the commercial campsite on the Lake. Does anyone know about the one near the junction of the Horse Trail and the Schutt Road Trail? Does the one near the Palenville Overlook have water available? Is the commercial campground set in a pleasant spot?
skihiker's picture

I am the NYNJTC trails supervisor for this area. I believe that the spot near the horse trail & Schutt Rd. trail intersection is ok to camp at, though I've never seen anyone do it. Last time I checked it, there was a fire pit and a privy there. There is even a horse mounting ramp there, from when there was a crazy idea of creating a handicap horse riders campground there. No close water source, unless the drainage ditch along side the SC trail has water running from recent rain. I haven't seen anyone camp near Palenville overlook in many years. Picnic table was destroyed and burned many years ago. Fire pit is practically destroyed. No water source near there. The North/South Lake Campground is a very nice place. You would have to get a reservation, and this year they are down to 50% occupancy due to the virus. Running water and restrooms there. I imagine that you would have to walk out to the gatehouse to check in. Good luck. Cal
plippert's picture

Does the Batavia Kill Shelter have water close by? Is it on the kill?
plippert's picture

Is backcountry camping permitted in Section 22 of the Long Path, Platte Clove Road to Palenville? Does anyone know of any campsites along the route?
plippert's picture

Thank you for the detailed information. I will look into the N/S Lake Campground, or just pack water into the other sites. It seems like an area full of beautiful features.
scottghiz's picture

My 2016 map shows a 0.95 RD trail segment below the Timp. However, today, I planned to utilize that RD section below the Timp for a loop hike but it seemed that the RD trail in that section is concurrent with the blue blazed Timp-Torne trail and goes over the Timp. Did I miss something?
Daniel Chazin's picture

This section of the R-D Trail below the Timp was abandoned soon after the 2016 edition of the Harriman-Bear Mountain Trails map set was published. This was a very steep, poorly constructed trail, and it was decided to consolidate the R-D Trail east of Timp Pass with the Timp-Torne Trail, which follows a much better route. The current route of the R-D and T-T Trails in this area is shown on the new 2020 edition of the Harriman-Bear Mountain Trails map set.
scottghiz's picture

I appreciate the details on the trail!
scottghiz's picture

Does anyone know the details or updates on what is going on with the Ramapo Equestrian Center Parking? I went there in August and was told that parking is no longer allowed for hikers. We went across Rt 202 and parked on a residential street, but this can't be a permanent solution. It's only a matter of time before the local residents shut that down. Thanks!
johndavitt's picture

Hey, Anybody know if there is parking on the weekends at the Tuxedo Train Station ? A few years back, I tried and there was a Saturday Farmers market. Thanks
Daniel Chazin's picture

It is not clear whether weekend parking is allowed in the lot in front of the Tuxedo railroad station. However, Metro-North's website indicates that parking is free on weekends in the commuter parking lot located just north of the station.
scottghiz's picture

Semi-rant here. I believe there are four trail crossings of the Palisades Parkway (SBM, AT, 1779, Red Cross) that force the hiker to actually run across the high-speed roadway; the SBM only traversing the north bound lanes. I have done all of these except for the 1779 crossing, which I am doing this weekend with my wife and it has me a bit anxious. I've had a couple of close calls as the driving is quite aggressive along that road. And the SBM and Red Cross trails cross at hills or turns making the crossing rather unnerving. A couple of questions: 1. Has any hiker been hit while crossing the Palisades Parkway? 2. Has there ever been consideration of building pedestrian walkovers like for the Nurian Trail over the NY State Thruway? Thanks's picture

I have had some problems as well. One car actually changed lanes right into where I was crossing and actually sped up! I decided from now on to walk down and try to cross near the bookstore. This however can be a .5 to 1 mile out of the way to keep from playing frogger.
lancetm21's picture

Hello. Is there a connection/turn-off on the Slide-Cornell trail to approach Friday mountain? It seems like there would be and I'm planning a through hike and this would be a great short cut. Thanks!
Daniel Chazin's picture

From the map, it appears that the mile-long route between Friday and the Cornell-Wittenberg-Slide Trail is an easy bushwhack, as it is nearly flat. Although I have not done this traverse in 30 years, when I hiked it in 1991, it was one of the very toughest hikes I've ever done. At least then, the terrain was covered with thick spruce, and it took us about two hours to cover this distance of one mile. I have not been been back since, but would highly doubt that any kind of a herd path or trail exists to connect Friday with the Wittenberg-Slide-Cornell Trail. Unless you're looking for a real adventure, I would not recommend this "great short cut."