Special Event Walks in the New York-New Jersey Region during May 2010
Saturday May 1
The Great Saunter
Where: Manhattan, starting at South Street Seaport at 7am.
Description See MANHATTAN AT 3 MPH. Walk through over 20 parks and promenades along NY Island's rim. ~ 32 miles. Sponsored by Trail Conference member club Shorewalkers. Check their website for more info.
Earth Citizen Walk
Where: Rockland Lake State Park, 10am - 12pm
Description: Celebrate the beauty of Rockland Lake State Park and enjoy a 3.5-mile walk around the lake. The walk starts at 10 am, rain or shine. There are 150 lakeside picnic tables if you want to make a day of it. For details of the First Annual Earth Citizens Walk including registration fees see www.earthcitizenwalk.org. All proceeds go to benefit UNICEF.
Note: Sparta Mountain Day was briefly but incorrectly listed for May 1. Our apologies.
Sunday, May 23
Sparta Mountain Day
Where: Sparta
Mountain Wildlife Management Area
A 5k walk/run followed by environmental events that will include hikes,
mining walks, birding walks, mountain biking, geo-caching, presentations
discussing sustainability, recycling, energy efficiency, the Sparta
trail system, bears, raptors, turtles, our forests, etc. Many
environmental and outdoor-oriented groups, including the Trail
Conference, will be participating. Click here for more info.
The Big Walk, NJ2NY50
Where: From Iselin, NJ, to Penn Station, NYC
Description: Trail Conference member club East Coast Greenway-New Jersey is supporting this first-time event: a 50-mile walk along the route of the East Coast Greenway, from New Jersey to New York. Click here for more info.
Hike for Life
Where: Long Island Greenbelt
Description: New York Blood Center (NYBC) and the Long Island Greenbelt Trail Conference join forces for the fourth annual Hike for Life on Sunday, May 23, 2010. Approximately 80 hikers of all levels will participate in their choice of three challenging hikes: a 32-mile trail, an 11-mile trail, or a 3-mile "family friendly" trail. All event proceeds will help support New York Blood Center's mission to help save lives through scientific research, medical education, and community outreach. NYBC is the parent organization of Long Island Blood Services (LIBS). Click here for more info.