One person, no matter how large their pretensions may be, simply can't do a project of the size of producing this book. Listed below are the different specialized tasks that go into the making of this book and the people who worked on each task. Everyone here pulled hard and made this book into a reality. However, the technical aspects of the book are only one part of producing a hiking trail guidebook. There are also the many people who provided moral support and companionship as I walked many sections of the Long Path myself to see how things really were on the trail. Of these dozens of people, I'd like to single out a few for special thanks: Ed Walsh, who seemed to walk everywhere with his GPS to check out just where things really went now that they had finished moving the trail again; Mike Warren for setting the standard that all of the other photographers, including myself, had to meet; John Jurasek for putting up with my demands for "more GPS data, more GPS data;" and finally Jane Daniels for letting me convince myself that I could do this book, for letting me do the book with so many new things in it, and then helping me see the project through to its end.
—HC, January 9, 2002
Cartography and Overall Editing: Herb Chong.
GPS Data: Elie Bijou, Herb Chong, Kay Cynamon, Jakob Franke, Ed Goldstein, John Jurasek (coordinator), Eric Meyer, Terry Murphy, and Ed Walsh.
Trail Checking: Herb Chong, Kay Cynamon, Jakob Franke, John Jurasek, Pete Senterman, and Ed Walsh.
Photography: Herb Chong, Loren Dobert, Jakob Franke, Todd Schreibman, Ed Walsh, and Michael Warren.
Text Proofing: Kay Cynamon, Walt Daniels, Jakob Franke, Pete Senterman, and Ruth Rosenthal.
Indexing: Jakob Franke.
Book Design: Nora Porter.