Mt. Minsi Loop via the Appalachian Trail

Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area

Mount Tammany as seen from Mount Minsi - Photo credit: Daniela Wagstaff Mount Tammany as seen from Mount Minsi - Photo credit: Daniela Wagstaff

Although somewhat dwarfed by the imposing Mt. Tammany, Mt. Minsi offers views of the Delaware Water Gap at least equally as spectacular as those experienced from the top of Mt. Tammany and you might find the trails a bit less crowded.

40.979776, -75.141934

This hike takes you all the way to the summit of Mt. Minsi on the white-blazed Appalachian Trail with an elevation gain of 1,060 feet in 2 miles.  Pick up the trail by following the white blazes at the information boards in the Lake Lenape parking lot.  An old paved road until Lake Lenape on the right, the Appalachian Trail then becomes a...

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Trip Reports

rate experience
August 30, 2016
Mt Minsi
<p>I did this hike last week.&nbsp; The way up Mt. Minsi was great (even though the heat &amp; humidity were both way too high).&nbsp;&nbsp;On the way down, the various, listed&nbsp;points of interest (vernal pool, falls, and views)&nbsp;were not much, probably because it was August.&nbsp; My vote would be to forget about the "Table Rock" detour, and just go down all the way on the fire road.</p>
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