Walkable Westchester

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A completely updated and comprehensive guide to over 200 parks and more than 635 miles of trails in Westchester County.

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Walkable Westchester - 2021 - 3rd Edition

Looking for places to walk, hike, or ride?  Westchester County has over 225 parks and more than 635 miles of trails for you to explore.  The best book about hiking and walking in Westchester County ever since it was first printed in 2009, this third edition of Walkable Westchester by Jane and Walt Daniels has been completely updated for 2021.  This comprehensive guide not only has the latest trail and park updates but also includes new color maps and photos and other features to make this go-to reference for exploring Westchester County even better.

A new "What to do Where" table provides an easy reference for figuring out where you can take a dog, ride a bike or horse, or even cross country ski or utilize accessible trails.  This third edition also includes 27 new places to walk, major updates to several parks, short descriptions of biking trails, and sidebars about history, lore, and natural science.  Popular features from the previous edition like a county-wide locator map and GPS coordinates have also been updated.

Westchester County has a wealth of green open space open to the public, with some parks having less than one mile of trails and others featuring more than 40 miles!  You can find hills to scramble up, ravines to wander through, meadows to ramble across, historic sites to explore, and Gilded Age gardens to visit.  This latest edition of Walkable Westchester includes a wide variety of walking opportunities on paved paths, woods roads, dirt roads, or narrow woodland footpaths in a mix of urban, suburban, rural, and natural settings.

With only a few small exceptions, all homes in Westchester County are located within one mile of a park boundary or place to walk, so grab your copy of Walkable Westchester to explore Westchester as you walk, hike, run, ride a horse, walk your dog, bike, cross country ski, or snowshoe.

Features include:

  • Information on 200 parks, preserves, sanctuaries, and protected open spaces, including 27 additional parks not in the previous edition (click to view PDF of sample chapter)
  • Descriptions of more than 635 miles of trails
  • New color maps showing the latest trail updates
  • New color photos to highlight things you can see and experience
  • New places to visit (click to view PDF)
  • County-wide locator map (click to view PDF) and detailed maps of all but the smallest parks
  • Table showing "What to do Where"
  • History, science, and local lore
  • Tables of short descriptions for short or twisty bike/multi-use trails
  • Icons of activities permitted in each park
  • Driving directions, GPS coordinates, and availability of public transportation
  • Links to websites for additional information about the parks
  • Table of contents (click to view PDF) and detailed index (click to view PDF)


To learn even more about this updated guide, check out this short video narrated by the authors!

Publicity for Walkable Westchester 3rd edition.

Behind the Book Learn about the authors and the history of Walkable Westchester 


Published by the New York-New Jersey Trail Conference.  464 pages, paperback.

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